Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hej från Danmark!
Just a brief update from the Roskilde Public Library: I'm having a great time in Denmark, meeting friends and family, seeing lots of cool historic sights, neat museums, and doing some really sweet things (like a Glider ride with Eric Jul, one of the family). My birthday was awesome, and now I look ahead to my parents and sister joining me next week back up in Stockholm.
Hopefully, someday, my broken computer will be fixed. With any luck, that will be fixed around the time I get back, and I have lots of pictures and stories to tell, so come back in a month and hopefully I'll have some fun things to look at. thanks!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Oh No!
We just got back from a week studying Geology (the Middle Swedish End Moraines in particular) with former Gustavus Professor Mark Johnsson and his group of geology students from a university in Göteborg. It was actually a whole lot more fun than I originally thought it would be (because, as some of us like to think, Geology seems to be the study of looking at rocks) and we got to see some really unique sites, enjoy some great views, and better understand what was going on around here during the last period of glaciation. I have some great pictures from the trip, but alas, a very sad thing has happened:
My computer is in a coma.
It's broken like this two times before, and both times required intensive factory reconstruction. Now that I'm in Sweden, that is going to be a lot harder to get for my computer. There's a good chance I will not be uploading any more pictures during my time here, nor will I have any kind of reliable access to anything with a keyboard until I leave for the US.
But all is not lost. The trip is coming to a close for many of us here, and over half the group departs for the US on Wednesday. It's been a life-changing experience for all of us, and I think it will be nice to pry myself away from a computer screen so I have time to read, write, and reflect about the time I've spent abroad.
I travel to Denmark this week to stay with my very generous family in Roskilde, and look forward to exploring the land of my ancestors (well, half of them). I plan on spending those weeks finding out more about my family history, as well as the history and culture of Denmark, and maybe find a beach some time in there. I meet my family in Stockholm June 8th, and from there we plan on seeing places in both Sweden and Denmark. I really look forward to it. June 19th I plan on setting foot on American soil once again, and thereafter getting Chipotle, and reutiting with spicy food, fried food, and grilled food.
Hopefully I will have at least one more post with pictures, but no guarentees. My best wishes to all of you as we enter summer. It's probably warmer and sunnier where you are now than were I am (today the high is 42F and it's going to rain. Except for one day a few weeks back, we have yet to go over 65F), so enjoy it for me!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Long time no blog
But now the days are longer, the trees are greener, and the air is almost warm enough for shorts and t-shirts. We've just been driving all around Southeastern Sweden, Roland's old stomping grounds; this past extended weekend we visited more cities and cites than I think I can remember, meeting some of Roland's old companions and family along the way. Even though I spent the better part of four days crammed into a Ford Fiesta, we did some pretty fun and remarkable things.
Even though our adventure officially disembarked on Thursday, we had dinner Wednesday
Thursday morning we set out north, initially visiting the town where arctic explorer Solomon August Andree was born and stopping in at the museum dedicated to the history of him and the
That afternoon we spent with a man Roland met when he first got to America and studied in Seattle named Brian. He's an assistant professor at two universities, one in Seattle and the other in Stockholm, and is a veritable font of information about basically anything related to
He also took us around what could easily be mistaken for Iowa to show us a lot of the local history, which included stops at different kinds of folk churches (endearingly referred to as barn churches because of the style) as well as some iron age pre-viking historical cites, and we even got to see what was
Thursday was also Valborg, celebrated by some as the coming of spring, shedding of winter, and
Friday we went to Kosta, a glass blowing workshop, but unfortunately did not get to see any artists at their trade, since it was Labour day after all. It was still cool to see a lot of their work, which has recently been at ASI as well as other places around the world. It was a beautiful day, so we tanned a little as well. We also went to the Emigrants Museum in Växjö, which surrounded the Swedish migratory population and the author Villheim Moberg and his four-book series called the Emigrants. It was cool to see the Minneapolis skyline in the middle of Sweden, as well as find out a little more about where else lots of Swedes moved to, and why they did it. Not only was there a great economic insentive to move, but many also chose to move because of their religious beliefs, which they couldn't express back in Sweden due to the strict dominance of the Church of Sweden (you couldn't even host a public meeting in your house because people thought you were trying to subvert the church).
Saturday was probably the most fun of the whole adventure, because Roland's cousin Gunnar
Being familiar with the Swedish chef, I had expected to encounter a lot of Swedes who reminded me of that kind him. I had been surprised at how inaccurate that stereotype of Swedes was, until that is, I went far south on this trip. Skåne, the historically Danish part of Sweden (taken by the Sweden in the late 1600s), is known for its distinctive dialect, and I can't tell you how many
That experience was had some on Saturday, but Sunday we made it down to Karlshamn and dipped into Skåne a little as well. We saw the famous sculpture of The Emigrants (the same as in the books and museum) looking out to the Baltic Sea, which lay right next to the school Roland attended before he came to Seattle. We couldn't get in to see any of the classrooms, but it was neat to be standing on the very stones Roland used to sit out and play hookie on. After a brief tour of Lenneaus's house that he was born in and the farm there,
Next week we spend in Göteborg and the surrounding area, with Mark Johnson and a group of other students as we study the local geology and learn about climatology and other equally interesting things. Until then, it's back to reading books and looking at youtube videos.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The view from the hill...
It seems like just yesterday I was out on the streets of famous West London, exploring Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, and the many parks and museums which are west of Westminster. Although I did experience a cold wet 'typical' London day on Saturday, I still was able to enjoy myself in spite of the added Easter break crowds.
Since Monday, we've been getting used to the town here, planning what were going to do for the rest of the time, and slowly coming to terms with the fact that this is going to be our final destination here in Sweden as a group. We're going to be making a few extended field trips, but come May 19th, which is a month and three days from now, the group will depart from here and leave me to be on their merry way home.
I'll leave you today with the view from the lake here in Jönköping.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
It was way more than awesome. The play is notorious for being both indecipherable and
Many of us in the US say guh-dough, but in this performance, there was a definite GOD-ot, which really set the tone of the play to what I believe is its strongest meaning, that is, a reflection of God/Religion, Action/Morality, and basically telling a story in the context of a completely farcical one. I loved everything about the execution- except for maybe the set- but to see wonderfully developed characters playing with each other on stage, communication, dynamicism, I mean, this performance embodies what good theater is all about. What I loved is that their star power did not diminish from the actual performance, and I wasn't ever expecting Vladimir to say 'two to beam up' or Estragon to tell Lucky "You shall not pass!"
Of course, this is not the only thing I've been doing. Since it's late here in Norwich,
I've also been to the Imperial War museum, which wasn't actually about wars of empire per se, but rather WWI-present. With great detail in retelling all viewpoints of all major wars Britian has been a part of, it was really interesting to examine from an American point of view, seeing as we hardly hear about the grimy details of the battle of Britian, or get to see an outside view on the Vietnam conflict, or the wars in the Middle East. An equally interesting part of this museum, however, was the massive sections devoted to both the Holocaust and Human Rights violations. Not wanting to get into details, some pretty grim comparisons could be made between the paintings and photography of the concentration camps, and the horribly gratuitous and self-deprecating 'art' at the Tate. There was a lot of thinking that went on.
Tomorrow I hop on to the train and ride back to London, where I begin the second half of my time there. Who knows what's actually going to happen. I love exploring.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
London's finally here!
I've already been doing my thing today, that is, walking around. My hostel (YHA St Pauls on Carter if you're trying to follow on Google maps) is right in between St. Pauls Cathedral and the River Thames, so I decided to walk the river in a big loop from where I am to what I thought was London Bridge and back. Turns out, London bridge is rather boring, so I blame American media for portraying Tower bridge as London bridge, and I ended up going all the way east to Tower Bridge (and, more importantly, the Tower of London).
The tower bridge was pretty sweet to see up close- I didn't realize how big it was from all those Austin Powers movies or something. I was inadvertently corrected by a Brit who was
After a quick stop back at the hostel, and listening to all the church bells go off around London for
Among the many towers in the Tower of London, there are a few that the average tourist can enter. One exclusively features carvings prisoners have made into the walls during the 16th century. These are not the typical 'Alex 2009' which may or may not be inscribed in a certain church or residence in Sweden, but fully developed crests, lions, latin phrases, mottos, and other very detailed markings. Frankly, I was impressed by the artistry, even if they were inscribed with knives and other basic tools. Now, you also have to consider that these weren't your average prisoner, but could basically do everything they could at their own residence, except for leave, that is. Some of the most well-affiliated prisoners had their wives brought in, and a kid or two, and on top of that wrote a book (Sir Walter Raleigh), but most were afforded the luxuries of
There was also an exhibit called Henry VIII: Dressed to Kill, a collection of his arms, armour, and war collections during his reign. As some of us know, Henry VIII was as violent hunting game as he could be to his wives, and although he sucked at collecting sons, he collected everything war-related very well. I saw full suits of armor for both man, child, and horse, more pikes and broadswords than I would know what to do with, Mace-guns, Pike-guns, Halberd-guns, guns, bigger guns, artillery, bigger artillery, multi-barreled artillery that had exploded, plunder, and oh so much more. It got kind of overwhelming when we gazed upon his codpieces, or had a laugh over the suit of armour made for his exceedingly overweight body.
Today was really tiring. I love to walk everywhere, but that gets a little wearing. Tomorrow, I plan to see the Tate Museum of Modern Art, and maybe the London Museum as well, and get my tickets for Norwich in advance. Only three days until I'll be slobbering over what I've heard is a stunning rendition of Waiting for Godot with Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart. I can't wait. If you have any suggestions as to what I can't leave London without seeing, please e-mail them to me at Alexlegeros@gmail.com. There's certainly plenty to do here, but I'm looking to suggestions to help make a priority list so I know I'm getting the most out of this week.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
My how time flies
How should one capture a week on a blog? There’s so much to say, so many details, so many people, places, new experiences, the occasional struggle… too overwhelming to try to enumerate in its entirety. Then again, that seems to be the theme of this trip, so I will do the best I can.
Right now, in this little café in Jönköping that overlooks a lake, I’m already asking myself where these last two weeks in churches and buildings as I could. Sunday is pretty easy to remember- outside of getting of the boat to find lunch, I worked a lot on a presentation about
Monday I presented those findings to our group. They too found it pretty interesting, or at least that picture was. The afternoon was spent in we met with Kolleg, the vicar there. His story was quite unique: he started as a pastor in a small town when he was 23, brought a lot of vibrancy to his congregation through different youth and other activities, and eventually worked his way to becoming a missionary in
Tuesday we got to see two of the biggest attractions in Swedes about the Swedish language through theater, and so everything that’s performed on that stage is translated into Swedish. Last week at the
We also got to see the on Tuesday. The ship is huge. Hugely huge. If you know anything about the history of the ship itself, you know that its size is probably the cause of its downfall: Gustavus II Adolph (the Gustavus we’re most familiar with) ordered this ship to have a second row of cannons and to enhance the officer’s quarters, and that made the ship super unstable. As the story goes, it sailed for about a kilometer before a gust of wind came and it sank right in the deepest part of
nobleman stuck behind bars, for instance), and so much detail that it’s hard to take it all in. On top of this, it was once painted, so it’s fun to see what artist’s conceptions look like as well. Tons of exhibits, thousands of artifacts, some re-created faces from skeletons they found when they brought up the ship, and a lot more- definitely worth going to the next time you’re in
Wednesday was another busy day. We met with the Swedish Institute in the morning, and I was really surprised by how well received we were. SI is responsible for a lot of things, but is primarily concerned with the teaching of Swedish as a language abroad. It had focused on different regions of the worth throughout time, like books to choose from. Since Roland has used some of them in his classes before, many of us just picked them up then and there. I had a much more interesting time than I thought we would.
After that, we met with Amy Leval, a Gustavus grad, working as a researcher at the Karolinska Institute. She gave us a presentation on healthcare and the HPV vaccine, focusing a lot on
The afternoon featured a visit to two Gustavus grads at Vattenfall, the largest energy company in
Thursday is by far the easiest to describe. Studying. It was a beautiful day, but many of us spent it in the cabin, studing to Lennart's final test, which was from 4:30-7:00pm. Many of us thought it was really hard, but the best part about tests is that once they're done, they're done. And now it's done. No more worries!
Friday, yesterday for me now, was the day of traveling- or at least was supposed to be. I left af Chapman for Jönköping by bus early in the morning, and met with the people from the next youth hostel we'll be staying with after Easter. Johan, our contact person there, was really gracious to us and extended an offer to store our extra baggage over break. I think I'm the only one that took him up on it, but not only is my luggage safe there, it's in the room I'll be staying in. The sky was beautiful, the view is gorgeous, but I'm saving those pictures for another post.
After a bus ride to Göteborg, and almost getting on a bus to the wrong airport, I finally got the Göteborg City Airport. I also got there two hours earlier than the suggested two hours early, so I had a lot of free time to brood over the small details that weren't going quite to plan. Then, after I finally got my passport stamped and went through security and stood in line for an hour, it was announced that our flight was canceled due to weather. At this point, I had been awake for about 20 hours, and was at my wits end. After re-booking a flight today (I get a layover in Frankfurt) I made my way back to the bus station, and then to the Robinson hotel. Although it's more than I would have paid for my night in London by four-fold, it was nice to sleep in my own room and have breakfast taken care of. Plus, I found another copy of a really cheap poster my mom got me when I went to college before my freshman year framed and hanging in the hallway. Although I'm down to my last kronor, I hope I won't be delayed again on my journey to London. As Buddha says, it's not the destination, but the journey that's importaint. Wish me luck! Hopefully I will be updating my blog more than weekly so this doesn't happen again. Thanks for reading-